The location you've specified, Tampa FL (27.9465, -82.4593), is located in a neighborhood defined by the Neighborhood Bounday Map below.
For statistical purposes, neighborhoods, (small areas, as small as a few blocks with a few hundred households) are referred to as Block Groups (BGs) by the Census Bureau. The boundaries for Block Groups are defined by the Census Bureau and are the smallest geographical unit used to report the type of data found here.
Each Block Group has a 12 digit ID. The location you've specified is located within BG 120570051.012.
There are 912 different neighborhoods / Block Groups within Hillsborough County and 13,350 within Florida.
During the last annual update (July 1, 2024), there were 3,194 people living in the 2,094 housing units in this neighborhood; 14.0% of the housing units were Owner Occupied, 76.1% were Renter Occupied and 9.9% were Vacant; The average home value was $565,901 and the average household income was $201,152. The links in the next section provide quick access to more data.
If you're interested in schools, the HTL Address Research Tool is the prefered tool to research school attendance zones.
Total Population | 3,194 (100%) |
Population in Households | 3,135 (98.2%) |
Population in Families | 1,049 (32.8%) |
Population in Group Quarters1 | 59 ( 1.8%) |
Population Density | 6,297 |
Diversity Index2 | 61 |
 | |
 | |
Median Household Income | $135,384 |
Average Household Income | $201,152 |
% of Income for Mortgage4 | 23% |
Per Capita Income | $118,908 |
Wealth Index5 | 116 |
Socioeconomic Status Index6 | High (67.6) |
Total HU (Housing Units) | 2,094 (100%) |
Owner Occupied HU | 294 (14.0%) |
Renter Occupied HU | 1,593 (76.1%) |
Vacant Housing Units | 207 ( 9.9%) |
Median Home Value | $492,500 |
Average Home Value | $565,901 |
Housing Affordability Index3 | 108 |
 | |
Total Households | 1,887 |
Average Household Size | 1.66 |
Family Households | 418 |
Average Family Size | 3.00 |
2020-2024 | 2024-2029 |
Population | 23.94% | 1.16% |
Households | 24.13% | 1.11% |
Families | Â | 1.12% |
Median Household Income | Â | 1.18% |
Per Capita Income | Â | 1.62% |
Owner Occupied HU | Â | 0.20% |
The table below compares 120570051.012 to the other 13,350 census blocks in Florida by rank and percentile using July 1, 2024 data. The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value. A location that ranks higher than 75% of its peers would be in the 75th percentile of the peer group.
Variable Description | Rank | Percentile |
Total Population | # 789 | 94th |
Population Density | # 3042 | 77th |
Median Household Income | # 1130 | 92nd |
Housing Affordability Index | # 9988 | 75th |
Per Capita Income | # 198 | 99th |
Diversity Index | # 7506 | 44th |
Additional comparisons and rankings can be made with a VERY EASY TO USE Florida Census Data Comparison Tool.